Since the beginning of our story, the word which has always guided us has been one: “innovation”. For years we have experimented in the motor biking world, to then take all our knowledge into the mountain biking world. Innovation, the search for new solutions, the desire to tread new paths into the unknown, have been the ideas which have always driven us in our choices, which have set our course.
There will not be any stops in our research and development departments, our designers will always boost us with innovative ideas, our tests will be more and more reliable and tougher, while our production will be tirelessly focused on the best quality possible for the final result.
These elements describe what we are, they translate our vision, leading us into the future.
Made in Italy
Made in Italy is a brand which we use with pride, and we exemplify it in the deepest sense of the word. Made in Italy means joining the great tradition of Italian engineering. Leonardo Da Vinci, the first engineer in history, was born and raised just a few kilometres from our general headquarters in Prato. This history can be felt in the air, we are children and heirs of that tradition of Italian designers who for centuries have innovated in all technical fields and continue to do so today. We are what we are today because we are aware of the road which has brought us here. We have thought of, devised, and taken on challenges, we have got our hands dirty, we have made mistakes, we have started again and we have achieved results which at one time would have been unthinkable. In this way, we will continue to innovate today, still following an age-old lesson, but still at the same time, avant-garde.